
dijous, 29 de març del 2012

Dia 18

Ahir a Leon no tenia gaire temps i havia d'aprofitar que és encara una d les poques ciutats on per cada canya et serveixen algun pintxo, i a més d'un lloc eren ben generosos: albondigues, pernil, xoriço picant, callos, salxitxes... Va ser el sopar es clar. La veritat és q d moment Leon és la ciutat més bonica i agradable q he visitat al camí. Potser es deu a q portava una setmana creuant pobles d mala mort per la innacabable meseta amb res a veure o fer. Poblets on gairebé no viu ningú i si no fos pel camino segurament ja haurien desaparegut. Em vaig quedar a dormir a un convent de monges benedictines. Per la nit vaig fer cap a una missa que feien les monges, molt fort! Pensa q aquelles monges fan vida tancada allà dins i gairebé tot el que fan es pregar i alguna que altra galleta. Ja és la segona vegada q em beneixen en 2 setmanes :) A més pel matí a les 7 ja havien preparat cafè per als peregrins, és molt d'agraïr. Preu: la voluntat. Avui la caminada ja ha sigut algo més normal. Però encara el paissatge és molt monòton i aborrit. He parlat amb un francés a 4km del final i em deia q se li estava fent llargíssim, pobret acabava de començar el camino a Leon, no he volgut explicar-li q a mi avui em semblava glòria i era gairebé una passejadeta :). Per cert, aquest matí he esmorzat un bocata de chorizo picante amb un got de vi negre que m'ha sentat divinament. Penso q cada vegada disfruto més amb el dolor de genolls :)


Yesterday in Leon I did not have much time since I had to use the time to go around to get tapas (still for free) with each glass of red wine I had. And they were sometimes very generous, meatballs, chorizo, sausages... Of course it was dinner. Truth is that so far Leon is the prettiest and friendliest. town I have been in the way. Well, perhaps is due to the very small dead towns I have been this last week during the endless flat Castilla. Tinny towns where barely anyone lives and if it wasn't for the way for sure they'd be abandonned. I slept in a benedict nuns convent. Was cool, however I attended a mass, you have to think that those nuns are locked in there, and all they do is to pray and some cookies, quite impressive. I was blessed, 2nd time in 2 weeks :) Moreover and best at 7 they had coffee and cookies ready for all the pilgrims breakfast, admirable. Price: donation, lol. Today the walk was something more normal. But still the landscape is hundrum and boring. At 4km to the end I've talked to a french that said it was being a very long walk, poor guy, he just started today, I did not want to explain him that for me it was a nice stroll ;) Btw, at mid morning I had a nice spicy chorizo sandwich with awesome red wine that tasted delightfully. I'm enjoying more and more the pain on my knees :)

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