"El destí no és mai un lloc, sinò una nova forma de veure les coses / One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller
diumenge, 18 de març del 2012
Dia 8
El viento viene, el viento se va... Aquesta de Manu Chao seria el títol d'avui. Tot i que només eren 22 km s'ha fet llarg amb el vent en contra. I el fred comença a notar-se! Jo que pensava que em sobrava roba, nanai. Això si, el paisatge ha sigut increïble. Els camps de vinyes aquí a la Rioja son inacabables i al fons hi havia les muntanyes nevades de Valdezcaray, de la cordillera ibèrica, bonic de veritat. I físicament tot va bé, suposo que serà perque he dormit com una soca 7 hores del tirón.
Au bona nit, si si, a les 9 de la nit tots al catre, sembla mentida, però si t'aixequesis a les 6.30 i caminesis 25 km amb 10 kg a l'esquena també ho faries eh ;)
The wind comes, the wind goes... This song from Manu Chao would be today's headline. It's been only 22 km but it felt long. And it's getting cold. I thought I was carring to many clothes, not at all. However, the view has been incredible. The vineyards here in La Rioja are endless and on the background I had the snowed mountains of Valdezcaray, in the iberic system, really beautiful. And fisically everything is all right, I guess cuz I slept 7 hours on the row.
All right, good night, yes yes, at 21 everybody to sleep, unbelivable, but you'd do it too if you'd wake up at 6.30 and walk 25 km with 10 kg on your back ;)
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I am so happy you managed to get some sleep... when I read about snoring I really felt sorry for you.
ResponEliminaPower and positive vibrations to you! Maja