Dia duríssim avui. Avui que justament fa dues setmanes q vaig sortir i justament acabo de fer la meitat fel camí. Al començar m'he trobat una recta innacabable de 17km pel mig de Castilla sense cap poble, ni bar, ni ombra, ni font, ni res de res. L'únic que si hi havia era mosques i un sol de cal deu. Diu la guia que psicològicament aquesta és l'etapa més dura i que un cop acabada el q queda es fa en un suspir... juas juas juas...
Very tough day. Today is exactly two weeks I started and is today I've reached the half way. This morning at the beggining I had a straight road through Castilla of 17km with no towns, no shade, no bar, no fountain, nothing at all. Well yes, there were lots of flies and plenty of sun. The guide says that phsycologically this stage is the hardest and once made it, the rest will be done in a sigh... He he he ...
400 km! Awesome
ResponEliminaÁnims Joan!! Ets un crack!! Petons
ResponEliminaThat's not u after 2 weeks, right? ;D