Dolor. Molt de dolor. Hi ha dies bons, normals i dolents. Avui ha sigut dolent. Molt dolent. No faré una descripció exhaustiva d'on em fa mal, pk seria ben llarga, però bàsicament és en totes dues cames i l'esquena. Ja veus, estic fet un mapa :) Però a partir de demà es suposa q comença el més bonic. Arriba Leon i l'entrada a Galicia. Ja ho veurem. De moment està sent dur. Molt dur.
Pain. Lots of pain. There are good, normal and bad days. Today it's beeb bad. Very bad. I won't describe in detail where it hurts, cuz it'd be very long, but basically is both legs and the back. You see, what a pussy :) But from now on supposedly the best begins. Leon and the gates to Galicia are coming. We'll see. At the moment it's hard. Very hard.
Some days can be very tough. You question yourself why the hell am i doing this....But they pass and at the end you will have a good memories and a great life experience. You will see, tomorrow will be a better day :)
ResponEliminaYou r right. It was betta'