
dimarts, 27 de març del 2012

Dia 16

Dolor. Molt de dolor. Hi ha dies bons, normals i dolents. Avui ha sigut dolent. Molt dolent. No faré una descripció exhaustiva d'on em fa mal, pk seria ben llarga, però bàsicament és en totes dues cames i l'esquena. Ja veus, estic fet un mapa :) Però a partir de demà es suposa q comença el més bonic. Arriba Leon i l'entrada a Galicia. Ja ho veurem. De moment està sent dur. Molt dur.


Pain. Lots of pain. There are good, normal and bad days. Today it's beeb bad. Very bad. I won't describe in detail where it hurts, cuz it'd be very long, but basically is both legs and the back. You see, what a pussy :) But from now on supposedly the best begins. Leon and the gates to Galicia are coming. We'll see. At the moment it's hard. Very hard.

2 comentaris:

  1. Some days can be very tough. You question yourself why the hell am i doing this....But they pass and at the end you will have a good memories and a great life experience. You will see, tomorrow will be a better day :)

  2. You r right. It was betta'
