
dimarts, 20 de març del 2012

Dia 10

Dia dur avui, una altra vegada. Al final 38km fins a Burgos. Els últims 20km s'han fet eterns, no per la distància en si, sinò pel difícil que es fa caminar per asfalt. La planta dels peus em fan pum pum, pum pum, encara. He estat de molt mala llet pk el camí et fa donar una volta increïble, però bé, he arribat. Punt. No he tingut forces per anar a buscar l'esmenada morcilla de burgos, però prometo menjar-la aviat. Menys mal que el patxaran no falla :P

Per cert, com a curiositat, calories cremades 2071!


Hard day today, again. At the end 38 km. Last 20 km have been endless, not because of the diastance but because of the difficulty of walking on the asfalt. The soles of my feet are still pum pum, pum pum... I was really pissed off because the damn way made me go around and around before heading to burgos, but it's all right now, I made it. I haven't had the strength to get the mentioned blood sausage from burgos, but I swear I'll get it soon. Thanks to my best friend of the trip, the pacharan (anis licour) :P

Btw, calories burned today: 2071!

La prova / the proof :

6 comentaris:

  1. This is the proof? You are sitting. Where is the car?

  2. anims i endavant pensa k keda una etapa menys......

  3. Where is the snow and hail??? Hurry up! The sofa is waiting for you!

  4. Oh, I know well what you talk about when you talk about blood sausage from Burgos.I love it as well. Njami. I hope I can get it in BCN, otherwise I will go by train to Villanova. PGR

  5. Me parece bastante penoso, pero sigues bien! Y viva el pacharan!! :)

  6. The proof of being exhausted!

    I did not picture the snow Yu. Toocold to take hands out of my pocket!

    Es de locos carlos lo acepto.

    There is no morcilla de burgos in barcelona. You should visit burgos for that of course.

    Besets a tots!
