60 km en dos dies! No tinc gaire energia per descriure tot el que m'ha passat en aquests interminables destrossa-peus km. Tot i això, no tinc ni bufes ni rossadures ni cap lessió, però em fa mal fins i tot les celles! A més, fa molta calor i els kg comencen a tocar l'esquena. I el pitjor de moment son les nits, els ronquits arriben a mesures de decibels sancionables! Els taps son inútils!!!!
Però bé, no hi ha glòria sense sufriment.
60 km in 2 days! I do not have much energy to describe these endless feet-killing last km. Nevertheless, got neither blisters nor injuries, but I'm in so much pain that even my eyebrowns hurt. Moreover, it's very hot and the bagpack kg start to kill my back. But so far the worst are the nights, snores are getting louder and louder. Earplugs are just useless. Yesterday i had to listrn music to get some sleep, and even though I did not get much...
But ok, no pain no glory!!!
Hang in there.
ResponEliminaI hope you are feeling better now. I just see the weather report. I hope you wouldnt catch any rain! Besos!!!
ResponEliminarespect man!
ResponEliminaI cannot believe. Are you the same man who used to go by car to the pub cross the street? Impressive! I am following your blogg...
ResponEliminaThat's the other Joan