Fisterra. Fi de la terra i fi del viatge. He seguit la tradició: he cremat una peça de roba i vist la posta de sol al punt més a l'oest. Després de més de 900 km a peu torno en algún mitjà de transport més còmode cap a casa, paso de caminar més! Jejee... De totes formes ha sigut genial. Simplement un més dels millars de persones que ho fan cada any. Diuen que el camino continua... Ja veurem!
Una abraçada.
Fisterra. End of the world and of the goddamit walk. I've followed the tradition: burned something and seen the sunset in the most western point. After more than 900 km on foot I'm taking some modern transport home, I'm not damn walking anymore! Hehehe... It's been great though. Simply one more of the thousands of pilgrims that do it every year. It's said that the way continues afterwards. We'll see!
i was wondering if you are going to check out, how the end of the world looks like ;), and you did. Congrats for a great achievment.
ResponEliminaCongrats Joan!!!!!!!!11oneone
ResponEliminaU the man!
btw: At first I thought: "What the hell is he thinking? I would never do this!". But after seeing how happy u are in every picture I got kinnda envious. :P Congrats again!
ResponEliminagrande!!!!! grande!!!! moltes felecitats primo!!!!
ResponEliminaara toca pair-ho!!!! casi res!!!!!
hasta pronte!!!!
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ResponEliminaOh, you are not walking back home? ;D
ResponEliminaAwesome photo, and it was great to 'follow' you!
..and you know, in the same time you could cross Slovenia 3 times! ;D
Congrats Joan joon :)