Fisterra. Fi de la terra i fi del viatge. He seguit la tradició: he cremat una peça de roba i vist la posta de sol al punt més a l'oest. Després de més de 900 km a peu torno en algún mitjà de transport més còmode cap a casa, paso de caminar més! Jejee... De totes formes ha sigut genial. Simplement un més dels millars de persones que ho fan cada any. Diuen que el camino continua... Ja veurem!
Una abraçada.
Fisterra. End of the world and of the goddamit walk. I've followed the tradition: burned something and seen the sunset in the most western point. After more than 900 km on foot I'm taking some modern transport home, I'm not damn walking anymore! Hehehe... It's been great though. Simply one more of the thousands of pilgrims that do it every year. It's said that the way continues afterwards. We'll see!
"El destí no és mai un lloc, sinò una nova forma de veure les coses / One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller
divendres, 13 d’abril del 2012
dilluns, 9 d’abril del 2012
Dia 29
Coses qüotidianes del camino
Avui et vull parlar de coses que al camino es veuen cada dia. Coses que no es veuen a diari en la vida "normal". Saps què? Millor poso unes fotos i tu decideixes.
Camino's everyday things
Today I wanna talk about things that in the camino are seen daily. Things that are not seen as usually in the "normal" life. You know what? I rather show you some pics and you decide.
Avui et vull parlar de coses que al camino es veuen cada dia. Coses que no es veuen a diari en la vida "normal". Saps què? Millor poso unes fotos i tu decideixes.
Camino's everyday things
Today I wanna talk about things that in the camino are seen daily. Things that are not seen as usually in the "normal" life. You know what? I rather show you some pics and you decide.
diumenge, 8 d’abril del 2012
Dia 26, 27 i 28
Santiago. Moment especial. Avui no tinc gaires paraules, simplement molt content i molt cansat. Que com de cansat? Aquest video és un gran exemple ;)
Moltes moltes gràcies pels comentaris i per tot el suport!!!! I ara què? Fi?? ;)
Santiago. Special moment. Sort of speechless, simply very happy and extremely tired. How much tired? Well, this is a good example ;)
Lots and lots of thanks for the comments and the support. What now? Is this The End? ;)
Moltes moltes gràcies pels comentaris i per tot el suport!!!! I ara què? Fi?? ;)
Santiago. Special moment. Sort of speechless, simply very happy and extremely tired. How much tired? Well, this is a good example ;)
Lots and lots of thanks for the comments and the support. What now? Is this The End? ;)
dimecres, 4 d’abril del 2012
Dia 25
Estic a 100km de Santiago yeaaaaa! Nou repte: fer-los en 3 dies per arribar el dissabte :) vaig a dormir k m'he d'aixecar aviat ;)
I'm 100km to Santiago yahoo! New challenge: to get there in 3 days, on Saturday! Going to sleep that I got to get up early ;)
I'm 100km to Santiago yahoo! New challenge: to get there in 3 days, on Saturday! Going to sleep that I got to get up early ;)
dimarts, 3 d’abril del 2012
Dia 24
Dia d'etapa curteta. He fet cap a un poblet perdut a Galicia. Genial tot i que el temps no és gaire bó. He arribat aviat, a les 15 ja estava dutxat i havia dinat. A les 17 ja havia fet la migdiada així q només quedava visitar tots els bars del poble :) ja saps, per fer hora! Us deixo una bona foto. Allà vinc Santi!
Short stage today. I've ended up in a lost village of Galicia. Everything wonderful but the weather. I've arrived early, at 15 I was already showered and eaten. At 17 I'd already taken a nap, so I'd only left to visit all the bars of the village :) you know, to kill the time. Here goes a nice pic (txs Victor) Santi here I come!
Short stage today. I've ended up in a lost village of Galicia. Everything wonderful but the weather. I've arrived early, at 15 I was already showered and eaten. At 17 I'd already taken a nap, so I'd only left to visit all the bars of the village :) you know, to kill the time. Here goes a nice pic (txs Victor) Santi here I come!
Dia 23
Galicia. Pujada a O'Cebreiro conseguida amb no gaire dificultats. De fet és més difícil caminar a l'asfalt q pujar per caminals. El paissatge és molt i molt bonic, molt verd, ple de rius, pontets, vaques, poblets, gent amable i sobretot bon vi i bon menjar. L'alberg és una altra cosa, estem tots (hi haurà unes 70 persones) amuntegats en una gran habitació amb lliteres i ara mateix hi ha concert en estèreo de ronquits, penso q guanya un alemany gordo k segur s'ha passat amb el vi. Menys mal q tinc els taps màgics :) Demà toca jornada d relax i a disfrutar, només 21km. Bon esmorzar, bon bocata i a caminar pas a pas. A veure si trobo una pulperia :P
Galicia. Uphill acomplished with not many difficulties. In fact it's been harder to walk on asfalt than through the rocky hills. The scenery is very very beautiful, very green, lots of little rivers and bridges, cows, towns, friendly people and most important good wine and food. Not so good is the hostel. We are all bunched together in a big room with bunk beds (around 70) and right mow an stereo concert is going on, I think a fat german wins, too much wine probably. Luckily I've got my magic earplugs :) 2moro easy day, just 21 km. Time to enjoy a nice breakfast and walk step by step. Let's see if I find an octopus restaurant :P
Galicia. Uphill acomplished with not many difficulties. In fact it's been harder to walk on asfalt than through the rocky hills. The scenery is very very beautiful, very green, lots of little rivers and bridges, cows, towns, friendly people and most important good wine and food. Not so good is the hostel. We are all bunched together in a big room with bunk beds (around 70) and right mow an stereo concert is going on, I think a fat german wins, too much wine probably. Luckily I've got my magic earplugs :) 2moro easy day, just 21 km. Time to enjoy a nice breakfast and walk step by step. Let's see if I find an octopus restaurant :P
diumenge, 1 d’abril del 2012
Dia 22
Etapa de calentament avui. Demà arriba l'etapa reina. O'cebreiro. Després de 21km em troboaré una pujada de 610m en tan sols 7,5km. Un infern. Però al darrera es troba Galicia amb el seu ribeiro, el polp a la gallega, el marisc... No hase falta desir nada mássss
Warming up stage today. Tomorrow the most famous/important stage. O'cebreiro. After 21km I'll face an uphill of 610m in 7,5km. Real deal my friend. But behing there is Galicia, a land of great white wine "ribeiro", octopus, lots of insane big seafood... Enough motivation ;)
Warming up stage today. Tomorrow the most famous/important stage. O'cebreiro. After 21km I'll face an uphill of 610m in 7,5km. Real deal my friend. But behing there is Galicia, a land of great white wine "ribeiro", octopus, lots of insane big seafood... Enough motivation ;)
Dia 21
Dissabte duret. Ha sigut tot el dia de baixada per caminals de pedra i cony com cansa també! He hagut d'anar amb molt de compte xq una torçadura de turmell després de 3 setmanes ja fa molt de mal. El q més enprenya però és el q anomeno la batalla de les fletxes. Com q tots els poblets volen q el camino passi x ells doncs a vegades es passen i si no vas viu et fan caminar bastant km més. Simplement per fer negoci. I això emprenya molt, com avui, q després de 24km, et volen fer donar una volta de 3km més i acabes fent 30 enlloc de 27! Però bé, ja estic a Ponferrada i tot i q vaig molt i molt cansat, en dos dies entro Galicia i començo el compte enrera :) A més, ja es nota q la pasqua ja està aquí, comença a haber-hi molta penya q fa troços més curts. Espero q en cas de conflictes els q em sofert més tinguem algun privilegi :P
Tough saturday. All day walking downhill watching not to step badly and damn it how tiring it's been. Most annoying it's been however what I call the arrows war. The arrows take you sometimes around and around so that you walk all the streets. It's bussiness. But sometimes you end walking much more, like today, 3km extra killed me. But all right, I'm already in Ponferrada and even that I'm extremely tired in 2 days Galicia and the countdown starts. Moreover, Easter is here and lots of people are walking short distances these days, not real pilgrims :P
Tough saturday. All day walking downhill watching not to step badly and damn it how tiring it's been. Most annoying it's been however what I call the arrows war. The arrows take you sometimes around and around so that you walk all the streets. It's bussiness. But sometimes you end walking much more, like today, 3km extra killed me. But all right, I'm already in Ponferrada and even that I'm extremely tired in 2 days Galicia and the countdown starts. Moreover, Easter is here and lots of people are walking short distances these days, not real pilgrims :P
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